Tuesday, July 15, 2008

July is Hot for Teaching

But not too hot for planning. So you think I'm nuts? Well you wouldn't be the first. Being a newer teacher, my bag of tricks and lesson plans are still being developed. As I sit here thinking about my forthcoming year, I realize you might need a little nudge, too. I've emptied my bookshelves of older, unused teacher things and have rediscovered some great tools that I have.

"How to Plan Your School Year", published by Evan Moor, and with a suggested retail price of $29.99, is well worth the hefty investment. It covers classroom organization from physical layout to student management and includes handy reference tools for planning your curriculum. For us newer teachers, this is a boon.

It has reproducibles for hall passes, wall displays, student name tags, a calendar, notes home, postcards and ice-breaker activities for your first day. Altogether, it's actually a money saver.

Good luck, and although I'm not saying vacation is over, the little time you spend now will repay you double fold in September.


Unknown said...

Thanks for the great reference. I am always looking for a helpful source to aid in organizing a classroom for the beginning of each year. This year will be my 3rd year and I am still changing around what I liked and did not like about last year and the year before. Thanks : )

Anonymous said...
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Anonymous said...

Thanks for reading, Jessica.