Friday, January 30, 2009

When a Student Leaves

Recently, a popular young lady in my homeroom has left our school. She was popular not because of any clique but simply, I believe, she had a warm heart and a happy personality. She left for personal reasons and I wish her the best.

It'll be interesting to see any change in the class. Up until the last day, the excitement of giving themselves "permission" to express their joy about her friendship overshadowed any sentimentality. They shouted her name in to microphone and cheered her entrance and, eventually, her exit. Their giddiness nearly reached a point near delirium. The class chatter was at an all time high. That was Thursday. As a gift to her, I showed a powerpoint slideshow of her and her friends, set to fun music. Everyone enjoyed it very much, and I thought it was a nice way to happily reflect on all the sunny days she had given us. I made it a point to not allow the music to become too, too somber. That just isn't her personality.

Fridays are always hectic because it's a short day and there is no lunch. This afternoon, cleaning up after the students had left, I reflected on the waning of the chatter, the slow tidal turn of the class' emotion.

Eventually her departure will affect her classmates. Just how deeply is yet to be determined. I am aware that this may come has a slow motion shock to some of them. I am prepared to catch them.

I am looking forward to Monday.

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